Welcome to this magical space!
“A fairy godmother is commonly thought of as a kind of magical support to a character in a fairytale. In times of need, she steps in to act the role of parent or trusted friend and will lend her powers to the cause, ensuring that the protagonist succeeds and fulfills her true destiny.” (Wisegeek)

A Message from the Feisty Fairy Godmother
I truly believe in the magic that comes from trusting your intuition. It’s like having your very own superpower!
That’s why I’ve created a fabulous collection of journals, planners, and guides just for you. These tools are here to help you embrace and nurture your intuition every step of the way. They’re your trusted companions on your journey of self-discovery, offering a cozy space for you to dive into your thoughts, dreams, and desires.
With my intentionally created intuitive goodies by your side, you’ll feel more connected to yourself, gain clarity in decision-making, and experience a profound sense of purpose.
So, let’s embark on this enchanting adventure together and unlock the magic within you!

Creating pretty things is my happy place.
If you had told me a year ago that I would be creating journals, workbooks, and even published books, I’d have had a good laugh, rolled my eyes, and gone back to watching interrogation videos on YouTube.
When you ask the Universe to open new doors for you, anything can happen. When you have 100% faith and trust in that same Universe, and the doors shown are way outside your comfort zone, you go even faster. #trustismysuperpower
And here I am, following the guidance, and letting my inner 12-year-old come out and play in the sun.
I believe with all of my being that you know the answers to your own questions. You just need to trust yourself enough to listen to that still, small voice. I create all kinds of things that help you do just that.
Recent Creations
I come from a long line of Feisty Ladies!
Oh hi! I’m Lisa aka the Feisty Fairy Godmother! And as all Godmothers do, let’s dispense with the formalities and get right on down to business, shall we?
I’m a sweetly whimsical chick who has spent most of her life insatiably curious about *everything* – mostly, though, curious about why people do what they do. Humor is how I navigate the world and that’s where the Feisty rolls in.
Having learned to trust my inner knowing at an early age (thanks, Mom!), I began to realize that many people don’t trust that in themselves, often because of trauma. It can be challenging to trust that voice -AND- act on that trust because doing so has real world consequences which may not be so thrilling.
Me? I live by that inner guidance even (and especially!) if the guidance sounds really weird. The weirder the guidance, the more fun the outcome, I’ve found. (YMMV – hah!)
My work centers around supporting others to trust themselves more so they can clearly hear and act on the guidance that comes from within. I do that in many ways from journals, workbooks, classes, and one-on-one coaching where I bring through Guides + Teachers in Spirit, Archangel Metatron and even a tiny Purple Yoda to help you see the possibilities available and the steps to start on that path.
Mostly, though? I’m the big sister you wish you had growing up. I’ll tell it to you straight with love and kindness, help you see how amazing you are when you can’t, and show you how the Universe always has your back, even when you can’t see it.
💙 💖 💛