Dive is here!

I’m brimming with joy because my book DIVE: A Journey of Self-Discovery is finally published! Huzzah!

I’ve long been a fan of journaling because writing is how I process what’s going on inside my head and heart. For me, writing (and channeling) is like breathing. It just is. My 3 tubs of journals dating back to 1968 can attest to this.

For many, though, the blank page can be intimidating, especially when you’re in the middle of feeling ALL.THE.THINGS, amirite?

Prompts help you stay focused on just that question and even if all you write is “I have no idea what to say. This is stupid. Why am I even doing this?”, you’ve started your own process. Think of these prompts like wiping the first layer of grime off a window so you can see more clearly.
Doesn’t even matter WHAT you say so much as that you BEGIN to say it.

The idea of the three books in this series just landed on me (like they do) and I started working on organizing the prompts and flowing the energy through the series.

DIVE: A deep dive into your most authentic self. There are 60 prompts that will help you access those parts you know but haven’t / can’t articulate. Taking them one at a time, whenever you feel the urge, will help you see much more clearly.

FLOAT: The second book of prompts will guide you to sort of take stock of where you are now. What’s working in your life, what’s maybe not so much. Clearing away the grime so you can see better.

SURFACE: The final book in the series will support you to take what you learned after you un-grimed your windows and create real change with that information.

It’s a process I’ve been working on over the last two years my whole life, it seems. It’s not so much an uncovering as it is an allowing. Allowing my whole self to show up. Allowing extra exclamation points to not gnaw at my soul (hah). Allowing myself to be just who I am, having to meet only my own expectations (and Prince’s when he gets on my case #purpleboot).

Journaling has helped me so so much and I think that’s why I’m such a fan of these kinds of prompts. Even if you’re not a writer or think you have nothing to say, I challenge you to see what flows when you allow yourself the space and grace to do so.

I’m knee deep in ideas and have a couple digital journals and workbooks in the hopper to be released before summer’s end.

  • Not just another Gratitude Journal (This is likely to be Amazon KDP but in color because it’s so so pretty!)
  • From Surface to Soul– a short dip if a dive isn’t your thing (digital)
  • Spiritual Awakening Journal (Digital – just about ready to go!)
  • FLOAT – mentioned above (almost ready for KDP)